Nirmala Ashram Convent

Congregation of Ursuline Fransican Educational Society

Year of Establishment: 05-06- 2006
Registration No. ; G. Pre. Pry. School 07: 2006-07 dated: 5-9- 2006
Present Strength : 119
Cummulative strength of the students from 2006 : 450

The Parish Named after the Lady of Loreto is situated about 25 Kilometres east of Mangalore. The Ursuline Franciscan Sisters arrived in this Parish in the year 1974. Earlier they were teaching in the Loreto Kannada Hr. Pry. School managed by the Catholic Board of Education. The people Loreto wanted their wards to be taught in English Medium School. The Parish responded positively to their desire and started English Medium Primary School along with Kannada Medium School in the Parish. Since they found sisters as the best choice to give sound foundation to English medium education, the Pre Primary education was given to the sisters to manage independently. Hence the sisters opened a nursery school with L.K.G. with 44 students. A proposal was sent to the education department and the school got the permission on September5, 2006 to open a Pre Primary School in the premises of Loreto Convent. Sr. Susheela Sequiera, the then Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province inaugurated the School.

From the inception of the school, Sr. Gabriel Rodrigues was appointed as the Headmistress of the school. Young at heart, cheerful and lively by nature she played the role of a parent, teacher and a friend to the students. She was supported by the committed staff who were equally good.

In the year 2014 Sr. Milburga D’Cunha succeeded Sr. Gabriel Rodrigues and maintained good rapport with the parents and is working hard for the all round development of the students. She has introduced Computer, mike system and Band set in the school. The school celebrated its Decennial year of its establishment in the year 2016.

The parents always have a good word towards the education their children get in Loreto Convent Pre Primary School. Let the Twinkling stars of Loreto Convent Pre Primary School shine and spread their fragrance wherever they go.
